Ministry means service to God, His people, and His community

  • Womens Missionary Society (WMS)

    The Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) is an international faith-based, Non-Governmental Organization. This worldwide ministry is at the forefront of the works of the mission of the Church. The WMS has established a Foundation to support education through scholarships and social and economic development for the diversified constituencies we are privileged to serve.

  • Food Pantry

    Bethel food pantry is a ministry of love serving the needs of our neighbors who need a hand up. The Bible says: ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:  for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’

  • Kidz Ministy

    The Bible instructs us to diligently teach children, and talk of them when we sit in our homes, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up. Our Pastor and many of our members believe it takes a village to raise children. The community of Believers is the modern-day village. Our Pastor provides a brief children's church sermon, song, and prayer during our regular worship service. Afterward, The children are release to participate in an age-appropriate Church School session.

Make it stand out.

  • Stewardesses

    The ministry of the table of our Lord is served by the Steward of the Table and Stewardess. They prepare the Lord’s table, supply the sacred elements and assist the ministerial staff during the Lord’s Supper. In addition, they make sure that the table coverings are properly dressed and cleaned. If God is moving your heart to serve His table, click the button below to receive information.

  • The Arts

    All humans are made to worship and praise God, the Creator of all things. Every day and in every moment, we are invited to worship. Are you a dancer, a poet, an actor, a vocalist, and a musician? Do you have skills in videography or audio and visual techniques? We invite you to use your gifts, talents, and acquired skills at Bethel.

  • Auto Mechanic Ministry

    We have volunteers who are gifted at working on cars. Do you need your oil and filters changed? Do you need new spark plugs? Are you having brake issues? Let our auto mechanic ministry take a look before you unnecessarily spend money.